Saturday, August 30, 2014

Digital Badge A

              In Chapter 1 it informs us on how becoming a 21 century teacher is important now in days.

There is technology everywhere we look. Children now in days are more advanced in technology and

they even understand it more than a lot of teachers. The concepts that got my attention where how

technology is taking over the teaching world, using technology in the classroom, and building a

digital identity.

               In todays world over half of kids at the age of 5 or under are using a technology source

every day in there lives. It can be by internet, educational learning or tv they are at least four hours a

day with hands on technology. Social networking now in days are a child lives to keep

communication with others. This percentage really shocked me and really made me think on

technology revolved we all are. By the time a child graduates high school now in days they have used

97% of technology in school hours for learning.

             Using technology in the classroom is a must have now in days. Its easier as a teacher to teach

and you will keep the students engage in learning. There are websites that are educational and fun for

students and they will learn more and it will be easier for you. Also, another thing I found interesting

was the Technological pedagogical content Knowledge (TPAK). This is how teachers can bring

together three different ways of exciting  knowledge. For instance, there is  content knowledge

meaning academic matter they need to teach, pedagogical all information of teaching methods,

technological knowledge, meaning different ways of technology. Being successful in this method is

by combing technology with another way of the TPAK.

                 Building a digital identity as a teacher is important now in days. They should mantain

websites and blogs to make teaching for students more likeable. Using these resources shows students

that your engaging in a feedback assignment. By you teaching this way your being a model for your

students to see how technology can be use also for educational resources.

                  Summing this chapter on how becoming a 21 century teacher is important was very

interesting. It shows how percentages are changing every year on technology use. Also, making it

more aware for teachers that teaching with technology involved make students interact more.

Reference: Maloy, Robert W.. Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, 2011. Print.