Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Final Reflective Post

                                                       photo credited to Kathy Cassidy Flickr

This semester in the class EME2040 Introduction to Technology for educators I did many

assignments that made my learning with technology expand. When I first started this class reading

the syllabus just scared me. There was assignments that said blogs, wiki, portfolio, and web quest. I

was like wow I never heard of these technology sources before. As we started the class and I saw

what a blog was I was like wow I never thought it will be fun to write and use web.20 tools too. It

took me some times to get use to those tools. I am glad I was able to learn them because I will be

using those in my lesson plans when I become a teacher. Wiki was something I never heard of before.

It was fun to learn about it and to do many assignments on it. It was very easy to use the wiki when

we had to do are teacher portfolio because it was all there. A web quest was interesting I never had

created a lesson plan through the internet like that. When you know how to use these technology

resources it can make your lesson plans so much fun. My favorite assignment was creating the

portfolio. I really enjoyed learning how to create a home webpage for my class. That is something I

will definitely use in the future. I never thought technology was so important in a classroom before.

The only thing I would've liked different in this class was learning how to use the actual technology

resources in the classroom such as smart boards, projectors. Other than that this class made me see

how fun and how engaging it can be for the students. It made me think about many ways to think out

of the box as a teacher.

Maloy, R. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Digital Badge k ch.11

            In chapter 11 I read about engaging students in performing assessments and reflective learning. The title of the chapter means how students can get engage in the learning process with teaches having assessments to do. An assessment is a central to the work of teaching. Assessments features three interrelated elements they are new teacher assessments, student assessments, and student-self assessments/
           The first element how a supervisor will assess your work.This is titled as new teacher assessment. Before, you become a teacher your going to have to pass a few assessments. Such as, a state teacher license, being observed in a classroom this is usually done your last semester as an internship.Also, you will have to do summaries of what you have learned in academics, class management, and relationship to colleagues/parents. These are assessments needed to be completed before you become a teacher.
           Next, is where the student assessment comes into place. How will you assess students learning and your own effectiveness. This is where you can incorporate technology when your giving out assessments. As a teacher you will be expected to do the following complete record grades, report cards, conduct meeting as well. To have an increase on those results technology is the best way to go. Students now use technology for everything that's what there use to. So as teacher you should be keeping up with it so your students don't get bored.
       Lastly, there is student self assessment. This means his how the student will participate in the assessment process. Technology helps out with this by two ways. Using projects will show your evaluator skills as a teacher and using tools to evaluate the students learning process. Technology bring that to a complete circle. Using technology instead of test and worksheets makes the student more interested in the topic. Especially, with the older kids using media websites does engage them more.

Maloy, R. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Digital Badge J ch.4

           Lesson Plans are very important in a classroom. It gives guidelines and directions for each activity of the day. Planning allows your classroom to have a flow feeling. Without a plan students will move through the activities without sense of purpose. They will become distracted as you are thinking how to organize that lesson. Enhancing lesson plans with technology is very engaging to students. There are three elements  related to a good lesson plan they are academic content, teaching goals, learning assessment.


       The academic content are facts, concept, ideas, and skills used in your lesson. It is under the branch that said what to teach. Under each state there are assigned standards about the lesson they need to follow. There is a curriculum that needs to be followed. The teacher decides how he/she wants to teach it. Technology is a great way to teach with. You can use videos, pictures, charts, databases, and wiki all of the sources will enhance the students knowledge about the lesson.
         Also, when preparing a lesson plan you need to know how to teach. Using teaching goals methods and procedures. A goal is use because it gives you a reason to see how far you need to teach in that lesson. You can combine goals by daily learning. Technology helps by using visual thinking software, presentation software, web based diagrams. I think using these tools due benefit kids. I see it at the school I work at when a teacher combines it in her lesson plans how students engage more. Their understanding increases as well. Using sources such as websites, podcast, software, and cameras.
       Lastly, when creating a lesson plan your next element is knowing what the students have learned. This is done by assessments. Some assessments can be done before, middle or the end of a lesson. This measures the students knowledge, understanding, and performance. Some technologies that can be used to assess kids are electronic quizzes and test, grade keeping, student response system. The student response system can be done by older kids. It will show you what they have learned and if they are confused its very helpful for a teacher.
        Using lesson plans in a classroom is very important. Without one you will be lost and so will your students. Using technology enhances it and engages the students in a daily basis.

Maloy, R. W. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Digital Badge I CH.12

         In this chapter I read about integrating technology and creating challenges as a teacher in the classroom. There are different strategies and issues to that teacher are having with integrating technology in their classroom. It requires having patience, perseverance, and the willingness to involve the classroom with this new technology.
     In schools technology tend to follow to patterns called inclusion or infusion. Inclusion is when technology is being used mainly to for transferring information and practice skills in the class. This is only used like 30 minute each week within a group assignment. The everyday teaching is just done by the teacher herself. Infusion is when computers and technologies are ongoing features in academic learning. They are used day to day with each student interacting with the teacher lessons. Examples used to teach kids with technology will be videos, puzzles, game based learning.

Video by youtube
There is a difference in the classroom when the teacher is using the infusion way because students can relate to it and makes it even fun for them to learn. But yes you do need to have lots of patience with technology in the classroom especially if your not use to working with it. Always have  a positive attitude in the classroom even if you are struggling with it.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Digital Badge H ch.9

     Multimedia is a presentation of materials used with picture and words. Teachers use multimedia in a classroom everyday by text, data, voice, picture and video.
These are several ways we can use multimedia through
 - video.

    During a lesson you always want to engage your students in the topic you are learning. An example would be if your teaching them about the water cycle you can put a chart up in the projector and let them see step by step on what you are teaching. This engages them because there are seeing and focusing on what you are showing. After, they looked at the chart you can give them a paper to draw the cycle themselves this helps them go over the lesson again and remember it. So you used this media source of a chart on the projector as an advantage to them in the learning process.
 photo credited to Kathy Cassidy flickr

      Showing PowerPoint can be interesting to students instead of just reading straight from the book. It provides short summarizes of the chapter. Gives the visual learners a way to learn by looking at what you are teaching. It is more accessible to parents and teachers for studying. In the PowerPoint you can in cooperate  videos, pictures, and charts so it can be more helpful to their understanding. The way you set up the PowerPoint it important to because you need to make it eye catchy to the grade level. So if its kindergarten you might want to add more pictures and videos describe  what you are teaching and make it colorful.
      Being in a classroom I do see how using videos does engage students in the topic you are teaching. In the school I teach at we use a website called brainpop. You can search any topic and it will give you a short video on it. This website is educational and the kids love it because they think the robot is funny. An example I just used this website this week I was with first grade and we were going to start talking about Christopher  Columbus so I out this video on first so the students can get a background on what we will be talking about. After, they saw it we did an assignment on it.
       Using multimedia in a classroom is very important in the 21st century. It does increase the percentage of the students engaging in your class.

Maloy, R. W. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Digital Badge G ch. 10

     In this chapter I learned about multicultural education and how there are different ways to be diverse in a multicultural way. Multicultural education is how teachers go about affirming the expansive diversity of student interests, needs, and talent present in every school classrooms. This basically means that every student no matter gender, social class, racial, and cultural differences still get the same education in the classroom. Now in the 21st century there are different ways to support multicultural teaching and learning.
     One way is by revealing hidden histories and untold stories. This allow teachers to use examples od role models and cooperate it in all subject areas. Diverse students are more interested when they see examples of what the teacher is talking about. An example, would be if a teacher is teaching social studies then he/she will look for a person who can relate to these diverse students. This can be done by using interactive websites, online videos, and web based sources. These sources make the student more interested in what they are learning about because they can relate to the topic. This example also goes with teacher using the multicultural teaching by connecting school assignments with the issues and concerns they are going with in there own lives. I am one of these students that will do better using this method of teaching because I like to relate my school work with my own life out of school it help me remember it more.

picture credit to flickingerbread flickr

     Expanding teaching methods and approaches is another way to use multicultural methods in the classroom. Using small groups or centers make students get to know one another and break out of there shell. Since there is smaller students they are interacting with they wont be so shy. This also increases their social skills by working together. The diverse student who doesn't speak the language or is in a different situation can open up more when the class is working in small centers.  Another way to expand diverse students in the classroom is to explore with technology when its Hispanic heritage. black history and the other heritages tell students to look up information do different projects with them to explore and make the diverse student more comfortable.
     In the 21st century with many diverse students in different parts of the world teachers have to use technology to make students more comfortable in the classroom. And make it easier by relating examples and projects that can help the understand.


Maloy, R. W. (2011). Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Digital Badge E ch.7

       Problem solving is when you have a situation and you need to find a way to solve it. As teachers we teach students how to problem solve. By using questions, making predictions, testing theories, and revising the based ideas. Problem solving is an activity that is very educational because it teaching students even to use methods like these for the future even in real life events. The three steps in problem solving are understanding the problem, using problem solving strategies, and checking results.

       Understanding the problem as a teacher when teaching and you ask question and students respond you need to make sure students are identifying the type of questions. Also, what to do with question and what they know to answer it. If they are kindergartners you can show examples of what the question is so they can picture what you are asking.
      Also, using problem solving strategies is separating the problems and making sure you understand what to answer first so you can get the correct answer. A math teacher uses this step every day with math problems making sure students are doing are following the steps correctly. This step is also helpful in science doing experiments and writing when students needs to put order in answering the prompt.
        The last step is checking the results. This step is making sure the answer is correct. If the students got an answer incorrect they you as the teacher can always go back and see what step they did wrong. This is were I think using problem solving skills is easy to identify when students make a mistake. And the students can see clearly where they made a mistake and learn from it.

Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Digital Badge D CH.5

          We all know how to use the internet in the 21st century. We have learn to evolve with internet to research or social networks. Teachers have to share their knowledge with their students to make sure they are literacy and digitally updated. As a teacher we need to show students the correct way to use the internet by internet searching, web resources and responsibilities.
           When teachers assign students to do a project the first thing they to is go to internet and search. We as students are very guilty as our first option being to google it. Also, YouTube is another link that is sue to see videos to tell us and explain in video what we don't understand. Those search engines are very popular with these included too ask, Bing, and yahoo.com. The problem when using these websites is how do we know if its true. Students usually just pick the link that is on top of the search engine. A way teachers can help students is by showing them how to assess the tone and language of the website. The misinformation, messed up information and useless websites are everywhere. And students do not know how to tell the difference. So as educators it is important to show them the importance.
           There are other web resources  that can be used such as the school library link, news papers or even website that in .edu. Wikipedia is a website that many educators tell students not use. I believe that this website can be used just to give you information on a topic you don't understand and need some background information on. Not to do the whole research paper on. It does give you some references to websites in the bottom where you can click and start your paper on. Ways to check if the search engine website is correct is by checking these following criteria accuracy, authority, objectively, currency, and coverage. Every student should be taught these criteria when they are looking at web pages.
             Responsibilities for using the internet for using other people information is making sure you don't cheat. One big issue is called plagiarism. Plagiarism is the direct copy and the use of someone else work . Teaching students to cite is very important every time they use words that is not their own and information that there looking at. This a being a responsible person using the internet. There are citations website where the student can put the title or the url they use and citate in the end of their paper.
           Being educators in the 21st century is more than just teaching subjects we also have to teach the correct way to use search engines for information. Showing them responsibilities, web resources and how to search the internet.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Digital Badge C ch. 3

             There are many ways to engage students in learning now in the 21st century. A lot of teachers have to get use to the way technology is running the world and how much students will appreciate it if it was used in a classroom. There are ways that the classroom is set up there is teacher centered and student centered.  Also, there are methods on how to engage students while learning.
            Let me describe what teacher centered teaching is that a major focus and energy of a class flows from the teacher to the students. The organization of the classrooms is based on whole group instruction, seat work is individual by rows, there are many assessments based on worksheets and a viewing that learning is hard. This is the kind of teaching that was used before technology. Where there was only a chalk board and work sheets. The only goal that the teacher has to instruct effectively and let the students learn from that.
             In the other hand now that were in the 21st century we should be teaching more student centered. Student centered is when students are actively part of the elements of a class. Some examples that describe this is whole groups, small groups of instruction, assessments are based on projects and portfolios, there is cooperative learning and learning happens when the content being taught is integrated into real world problems and can be used with technology. This teaching style is the best to make sure that students are actually understanding and engaging what your instructing. You are able to create situations that they will need to figure out in a group/technology way.
               With having the correct teaching style then comes ways on how to make sure your method of engaging your students is correct. There are four methods that are actively created to engage. One of these methods is one on one tutoring. They adapt teaching directly to there own ways when using real world problems. Second, is learning groups make students work together and solve problems as a group.They will be able to learn how to communicate with there peers and make decisions. Also, inquiry learning is making students do a project and then make them ask relevant questions. This makes students really understand the topic. Lastly, metacongitive thinking meaning showing students how to examine there own learning methods through self explanations.
              As a teacher you have to think what way you want to make your classroom centered. If its either student centered and teacher centered. Also, there ways on how to engage students on learning. So that every student is able to learn in there own way.


credited to Rex pe flickr


Thursday, September 4, 2014

Digital Badge B ch.2

            In  classrooms today there is technology everywhere. Its up to the teacher if he/she wants to use it to engage her/his students in learning. Students when they are not in school are around technology and use either for learning or entertainment. As the 21 century teacher is evolving to teach with technology there might be some barriers in the way such as lack of access, obstacles and skills that a teacher might have.
             Some schools have an issue that is lack of access for technology meaning the teacher has no choice to stick to the old days when we had no technology. Some k-12 schools have technology less available than others and gets replaced or updated less often. In the other hand there are some schools that are raising their ratios of computers  meaning there is a computer for every three children. Those schools that have all this technology even have computers in all classrooms, dvd players, boards that are interactive with students this is because they have fund and budgets to force it to happen. The schools that are not so lucky have to suffer with teacher teaching in not a fun way for students to learn. This affects students because with lack of technology that teacher cant divide the class for smaller groups in different areas.
            Obstacles are always a major reason why teachers have a barrier in the way that they are not going to be able to use technology in a classroom. One of these examples which is seen mostly in middle school and high school when the students switch classes throughout the day is teaching schedules. The teachers that have a schedule that are with a class from 90 to 120  minutes are more likely to use it. The ones that have the class for an hour are mostly likely not to especially if they don't have computers in there class. This is because the teacher has to take the class to a library and by the time they get there and leave its barely no time. Having technology does make it easier to have it in the classrooms.
              Lastly, some different issues that cause a barrier are requirements, attitude and skills. A requirement that creates a barrier is state and educational exams. Teachers feel like they don't have time integrate technology in their time. Also, skills is very important it is obvious that a teacher with less skills in the 21 century is going to provide it less for there students. This is because they don't know how to share it and interact with it. The teacher attitude weather to use it or not is a personal choice that gets transfer to the classroom. When the teachers has a positive attitude towards it there students will learn and use it. When the teacher is oppose to it then the classroom suffers without it.
             Barriers in a classroom are having with the  use technology everyday. Whether it is  by not having technology in the classroom, obstacles in the way or some personal issues. The classroom does get effected.

photo credited to Kathy Cassidy flickr

photo credited to hpeguk flickr


Saturday, August 30, 2014

Digital Badge A

              In Chapter 1 it informs us on how becoming a 21 century teacher is important now in days.

There is technology everywhere we look. Children now in days are more advanced in technology and

they even understand it more than a lot of teachers. The concepts that got my attention where how

technology is taking over the teaching world, using technology in the classroom, and building a

digital identity.

               In todays world over half of kids at the age of 5 or under are using a technology source

every day in there lives. It can be by internet, educational learning or tv they are at least four hours a

day with hands on technology. Social networking now in days are a child lives to keep

communication with others. This percentage really shocked me and really made me think on

technology revolved we all are. By the time a child graduates high school now in days they have used

97% of technology in school hours for learning.

             Using technology in the classroom is a must have now in days. Its easier as a teacher to teach

and you will keep the students engage in learning. There are websites that are educational and fun for

students and they will learn more and it will be easier for you. Also, another thing I found interesting

was the Technological pedagogical content Knowledge (TPAK). This is how teachers can bring

together three different ways of exciting  knowledge. For instance, there is  content knowledge

meaning academic matter they need to teach, pedagogical all information of teaching methods,

technological knowledge, meaning different ways of technology. Being successful in this method is

by combing technology with another way of the TPAK.

                 Building a digital identity as a teacher is important now in days. They should mantain

websites and blogs to make teaching for students more likeable. Using these resources shows students

that your engaging in a feedback assignment. By you teaching this way your being a model for your

students to see how technology can be use also for educational resources.

                  Summing this chapter on how becoming a 21 century teacher is important was very

interesting. It shows how percentages are changing every year on technology use. Also, making it

more aware for teachers that teaching with technology involved make students interact more.

Reference: Maloy, Robert W.. Transforming learning with new technologies. Boston: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon, 2011. Print.